Training SaneBox is really easy and helps the system learn where emails should filter to. When you update a contact’s training, SaneBox will send future emails from that sender into the Sane folder the training was updated to.
Different ways to train SaneBox:
1. You can move an email between your Inbox and Sane folders (or Gmail labels) by simply dragging and dropping the email or by selecting the move option from within your webmail or email client.
2. On your Trainings & Filters page, you can -see and edit- all of the current trainings you already made from previous incoming emails.
3. You can also train emails to your Inbox or another Sane folder from your SaneBox Digest.
4. And you can use our Advanced Filtering settings, and Domain and/or Subject filters, to arrange for certain types of emails before they’ve even been sent to you yet.
What should go in each Sane folder?
Please limit the amount of non-time sensitive email you push back into your Inbox. Newer SaneBox users have a tendency to throw unimportant email back into their Inbox , defeating the purpose of SaneBox.
The theory behind SaneLater and SaneNews is that these are emails that shouldn’t interrupt your day, even if it’s hard for you to resist allowing them to do so.
Also: Our 3 choices for the level of the ai part of SaneBox filtering will help you to customize for just how aggressive you need your email filtering to be.
If you often receive important email from new unknown contacts (i.e. through website forms or new sales leads), you also have the option to default SaneBox to keep email from unknown contacts in your Inbox instead of SaneLater. Learn how to do that HERE.
Use SaneBox Digest to quickly process unimportant Emails
Each afternoon, you receive an email summary of the new, unread email in these folders. The summary is meant to allow you to breeze through those emails, you haven’t seen yet, quickly all at one time. If you feel like you are missing emails, you can ask to have the summary come more often by visiting your Email Notifications Preferences section on the Settings screen.
Use our Email Cleanup Tool
Our Email Cleanup Tool lists the more recent emails in your Inbox and active training sane folders. You can use this advanced tool to quickly train SaneBox on who is important to you. Learn More.
How long does it take for my training moves to take effect?
Our SaneBox systems notice almost immediately for any training moves you make from your unimportant folders and back to your Inbox. When training from your Inbox to other Sane folders, please allow us 5-15 minutes to notice the change.
How Do I Drag and Drop in the Gmail web interface?
In the Gmail web interface, you can just select the emails you want to move and then drag them over to your Inbox or to any active sane training folder like SaneLater or SaneNews.
You can also check the box and use the “Move to” pull down menu which you get by clicking the Folder icon.
Are there other ways to train SaneBox?
SaneBox also offers both subject and domain filtering and training by aliases.
Trainings Page and SaneCC
All trainings will now have the “include in SaneCC?” checkbox.
You can uncheck it by moving the email out of the SaneCC folder or just uncheck it.
A couple of notes.
- If the element is not already trained, it won’t appear in the training list.
- Training an email out of SaneCC to a new folder that isn’t the email’s default folder will both train the email to that folder and set “include in SaneCC?” to false.
- If you have requested us to turn off the ability to train emails via webmail and email client, you will only be able to train via our online tools such as Digest, Organize, and Trainings page. Moving any emails from your Inbox (or sane folders) to another SaneBox folder will cause the email to go back to the original folder. This is the same for the Inbox and will cause emails you move to sane folders to come back to your Inbox even if you have the flagged emails setting turned off.
Training Mailing Lists
Mail from a mailing list defaults to being labeled / trained as a service. Setting the option to “use sender importance for each message option causes messages from the mailing list to be labeled based on the sender of the message.
Wait, where’s my SaneLater folder?
All your Sane folders are server side folders like your Inbox or Sent folder so you should be able to see them from all your clients, devices and web interfaces. If you aren’t seeing the Sane folders that you have active, you may need to sync or update the folder list in your email client app. If needed, use these directions for locating your sane folders: Instructions for finding SaneLater