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Add us as a VIP Contact in iOS Mail

Did you know that you can set SaneReminders as your VIP contact on iOS Mail, so that reminders appear on your home screen? Just add as your VIP contact!

Flag emails from your VIPs

Add important people to your VIP list, so their emails appear with a VIP flag and in the VIP mailbox.

  1. While viewing an email, tap the name or email address of a person in the email.

  2. Tap Add to VIP.

Create a contact

  1. Tap the Add button.
  2. Under Company, type “SaneBox” or “SaneBox Reminders”.
  3. Under Email Address, type:

Add SaneReminders as your VIP.

Tap on VIP.

Tap Add to VIP.
Find and Tap SaneBox or SaneBox Reminders from your Contact’s List.
It will be added to your VIP List.

Please feel free to contact our support team for any assistance you may need along the way. Simply use this link to submit a Support Request.