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@SaneNews: What do I do with my SaneNews folder?

Does your inbox overflow with newsletters?

Tame the chaos with SaneNews, a dedicated folder for those low-priority updates.

What is SaneNews?

SaneNews filters out newsletters and similar emails, keeping your Inbox focused on important messages. Read them at your own pace, when you have time.

Activate SaneNews:
  • Log in to your SaneBox Dashboard.
  • Click on “Folders”. You’ll see your existing Sane folders.
  • Find “@SaneNews” and toggle the switch to “On”.

SaneNews & The Digest:

Your daily Digest includes a list of emails in SaneNews. Need to see a newsletter now?


  • Click the “Inbox Once” button in your digest.
  • Flag the email in the digest.
  • Want a specific newsletter in your Inbox permanently? Just move it there from your email app. SaneBox learns your preferences and won’t filter that sender again.

Automatic Cleanup:

SaneBox can automatically archive or delete old emails in SaneNews. Set this up from your SaneBox Dashboard.

  • Click the gear icon on the “@SaneNews” listing.
  • Toggle “Auto Archive/Delete” to “Yes”.
  • Choose the destination folder for archived/deleted emails.
  • Select the number of days before emails are moved.
  • Click “Save”.

Important Notes:
  • Training a sender to your Inbox won’t affect older emails in SaneNews. Only new ones will be delivered to your Inbox.
  • Enabling or disabling a folder takes 5-30 minutes. Your inbox might appear messy during this relabeling process. Relax, your training remains intact. Refresh your email app after a few minutes. Some apps might require resubscribing to IMAP folders.

Ready to Conquer Newsletter Chaos?

Sign up for a free 14-day SaneBox trial and reclaim your inbox!