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Do you fear missing important emails?

A fear of overlooking or missing an important email is certainly a valid concern for many first time SaneBox users. Our team has worked to alleviate this for you though, in a number of different ways that we’ll go over for you here.

1. By default, once a day between 2:00-5:00 PM, SaneBox sends you a digest of all your new, unread unimportant emails. This gives you a quick mechanism to determine if there is anything crucial in your SaneLater or other optional Sane folders. Your first digest will include all unread emails in your SaneLater folder from the past 15 days.

2. We give you a mechanism to have that digest sent as often as every one to 4 hours, (if you’re a real worrier.) We don’t send one when you haven’t received new emails left unread though. Also, new digests will replace any unread digest in your Inbox. It will include all the emails you have not yet seen/read from in your SaneLater or other optional Sane email folders.

3. If you receive emails from a certain subset of strangers that write to you at a particular email address or alias you have (such as we do with our we can train the emails sent to you at a certain alias address to all be sorted to stay in your Inbox. Just open a support request and ask for this setup on any address that mail comes to inside an email account you have on SaneBox. Or ask us how to do so yourself with your alias controls.

  • In general, you should find that it’s best if your Inbox holds the emails that should interrupt you while @SaneLater holds emails that can and should wait.

4. If you often receive important emails from new unknown contacts (i.e. through website forms or new sales leads), you also have the option to default SaneBox to keep email from unknown contacts in your Inbox instead of SaneLater. Learn how to do that HERE.

5. You can also set up Subject and or Domain filters from your dashboard and from your digest too, so that certain domains and subjects are directed to a particular Sane folder.


SaneBox will only deliver the Digest between 8 AM and 8 PM when selecting the option of every hour, every two hours, and etc.

SaneBox was modeled after GTD, a work-life management system which stands for Getting Things Done, the concept of which is to stay focused on what is immediately important.

So in order to use SaneBox most effectively, make sure you are only promoting (training) emails that really do deserve to be inbox-worthy.

Using Apple Mail?

As an extra efficiency, learn how to setup a Smart Mailbox to quickly see all of your emails listed in one view when needed.