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Daily Digest: How To Guide

Table of Contents

  1. What is the SaneBox Digest?
  2. Why should I use it?
  3. What does the Digest look like?
  4. Digest indicator dots
  5. How to turn off SaneBlackHole Suggestions
  6. Digest functions
  7. Additional Q & A’s

What is the SaneBox Digest?

The SaneBox Digest summary is a review list of unimportant emails in your SaneLater and other Sane folders that have yet to be opened to read. It is an advanced tool to help you process your emails quicker than ever.

If you are a long term customer of SaneBox, you’ll notice that some of your favorite features have received an upgrade. To our newest customers, you’ll be able to choose between different digest item selection methods.

If you like the idea of selecting multiple emails or senders at once, you can now enjoy that. Or if you want to archive, delete, or mark as read for all emails showing under your Sane folders, you can do that in 1 click. We’ve updated the Digest to include way more features and controls than ever before! We’re sure that you will find a processing style to fall in love with.

Why should I use it?

  • It can help you spot mail from senders that you’d like to train to your Inbox.
  • It can also help you to quickly delete or archive items too.
  • It shows your recent training actions, as an audit-point for you.

Important Notes

  • We send a digest to you at the times you’ve selected from the Settings > General > Notificatons section of your dashboard.
  • It summarizes unimportant email that has remained unread since your prior digest processing.
  • It also shows any recently created reminders.
  • If there’s no new activity to digest because you’ve already opened the emails that have been sorted since the last digest mailing, then a digest will not be sent to you.
  • If you go away for the week and don’t check your email or otherwise ignore your digests, we will aggregate any digests you have not looked at.
  • If you have activated our DoNotDisturb feature, your next digest will arrive at the end of the current Sane DoNotDisturb period you specified.
  • Remember: you don’t have to wait for a digest and you can always go directly to your Sane folders in your email software or app you have always used. Archive, trash, or make example training moves, right there from in your regular familiar email app too.

What does the Digest look like?

  • Example of emailed Digest Notice, reminding to visit web-app

  • Web-app view example
  • Web-app view of the reminders in the digest

Digest indicator dots

  • A big Green dot: Indicates unfamiliar items, like from a new sender.

We have added a big green-dot component to the digest: To indicate someone that has never emailed you before. The new contacts will be sorted to the top of each folder and alphabetized. This way you can handle those as a group. So if new contacts are mostly trashable, you can delete them easily. Or if you are a sales person and a new contact might be a hot lead, you can process those first.

A big Orange dot: indicates senders most frequently trained to SaneBlackHole.

Our big orange-dot indicator marks items you’d be likely to want to possibly eliminate. The orange-dot is also accompanied by this descriptive: “Many folks find this sender bothersome.” Right there you’ll have a convenient “SaneBlackHole this sender” link.

How to turn off SaneBlackHole Suggestions

If you would prefer that we not suggest these to you, you may visit this page to turn them off.

Digest Functions

Snooze (via any active folder, i.e. @SaneNextWeek)

Train a contact / or Move to a Personal Folder

Create Domain or Subject Filter

Now you can create domain and subject filters from within your Digest.

If you aren’t seeing the option to create a domain filters it’s because SaneBox recognizes that contact as a “service” in which there is not a well-known domain. This is common with newsletter-type emails or domains that have an opaque string.

Create domain filter

Create subject filter

Mark As Read

This lets you choose to remove the bold appearance in your email software for all the items in the current digest.

New unread mail stands out because the subject line shows in bold text. If nothing is worthy of distracting you, marking as read lets mail stand in place and just blend in.

Option 1. Mark multiple items as Read.

Option 2. Mark All Emails in Sane Folder as Read.


If all mail shown in the digest clearly won’t be worth reading or isn’t actionable (but should be kept for reference) this choice sends all items to your email account’s archive.

  • Note that with this choice, these archived items will also be marked as read.
  • For Gmail this puts items into your “All Mail” location, while with other hosts it moves mail to your SaneArchive folder or your default Archive folder if you already have one.

Option 1. Archive everything in a Sane folder with 1 click.

Option 2. Archive multiple emails in your Sane folders.

Trash Item

The trash icon gives you the option to just send the digested item to the trash right away.

Use if there’s no need to see and read it from in your email software (client) view.

Option 1. Trash everything in your Sane folders.

Option 2. Trash certain groups of emails.

Move to Inbox Once

The “Inbox Once” button will move that email item (from that sender) to your Inbox - just that one time.

Future emails from this contact will still be delivered into your SaneLater folder or whatever Sane folder they have been trained to or are being moved to via your predictive processing setting. Note: Use of the Inbox-once menu action does not create or change a training for that sender.

Performing Multiple Actions

We’ve now implemented a new workflow for the digest feature. Now, after training your email within the digest to go to SaneNews, SaneLater, SaneBlackHole, or the Inbox, you can still Archive , Inbox Once , or Trash the email, after the training is complete.

Train To

This menu gives you the power to designate a specific Sane Training.

You can quickly make a change, if our predictive processing hasn’t placed the sender in the Sane folder that matches your desires or if a training adjustment is needed.

1. Train an email to your Inbox.

2. Train Multiple emails to your Inbox.

Move To

Now you can use your Digest to move items to a personal folder. This will -not- train SaneBox to move future emails there.

If you aren’t seeing the “Move To” option in your Digest, it’s because you may have too many personal folders. Contact if you have any questions.

Additional Q & A’s

Can I view recent trainings in my Digest?

Yes! There is an added section that provides a recap of new training moves or changes to trainings. It also provides the option to make a re-adjustment on the spot.

Got it! Button

So you will see future trainings in your regular digests. And the “Got It” button makes sure that this newest set of trainings no longer appear in your digest once you’ve reviewed them. Normally, they appear in your digests for 24 hours, or until acknowledged.

How do I schedule my Digest to arrive when I want it to?

  • You can schedule any time by visiting your Settings page.
  • You can set your Digest to arrive as frequently as every hour or multiple times throughout the day such as 9AM, 12PM, and 5PM. It all depends on when you would want to be notified that you have new emails in your active training Sane folders.
  • Only want to be reminded during the week? Select Weekday from the dropdown list.

Why are you grouping my contacts?

We are trying to sweep up similar email based on superficial aspects like subject and “name”. You can click the number below an item to expand the group and train individually.

Can I unsubscribe from my Digest?

We highly recommend having your Digest come at least once a day, because:

  • It shows you the recent trainings you have done in the last 24 hours.
  • If you made an accidental training, you have a chance to notice it and conveniently and easily correct.
  • It’s also a convenient way to triage your unimportant email. We do a great job of filtering your email, but sometimes our predictive ai may need your input for fine-tuning adjustments.
  • The digest is an easy way to keep track and quickly keep watch. All unimportant emails that you haven’t seen yet will be summarized and displayed. And by default, your SaneBox Digest is only emailed to you once per day.

Can I change when I get my Digest

You can adjust how often you receive the digest in your Email Notification section under your Account Settings. You can technically remove yourself from receiving it (but we do not recommend this for the reasons stated above), or you can set it up to come less often than once a day.

So please make SaneBox Digest review a part of your routine. It will help keep you in the driver’s seat and it’s an important ingredient in our recipe for helping you stay on track.