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Know when someone hasn't replied to an email (SaneNoReplies)

SaneNoReplies is a folder that keeps track of emails you have sent that have not been replied to yet. It’s a bulletproof follow up process that ensures important threads don’t fall through the cracks.

Here’s how it works:

  • Every email in that folder is an email you sent within the last 4 weeks, which has not been replied to. Each of those emails in SaneNoReplies is a thread which has not been replied to by -all- the recipients on the To: line.

  • The exception (for precise control): If you know the deadline for a reply already when you’re initially composing an outbound email, just CC or BCC a SaneReminder address. This way SaneBox will send a reminder directly to your Inbox if you don’t hear back in time. So those emails won’t need to show in SaneNoReplies and won’t clog up that view.

  • Regularly visit your SaneNoReplies folder as needed: When you find an email you expected a reply to: just open it and reply back to the recipient. It’s ok to express your disappointment with them for not getting back to you.

  • Skim through SaneNoReplies periodically: If you’re not expecting a response to a particular email, just delete it from SaneNoReplies and SaneBox will stop tracking for a reply.

Alert: If your address is hosted by Gmail or G Suite (or any host that uses labels instead of a traditional folders based hosting system), simply remove the SaneNoReplies label and leave the Sent label in place - so that the original sent item can remain in your Sent items view.

For most all hosts, items in your SaneNoReplies are copies of original sent items that SaneBox makes there for you. Otherwise: for host’s that use labels instead of traditional folders, the items showing in your SaneNoReplies are your original sent item - with the additional label added.

Helpful Q & A

Why don’t you include every email I compose / reply to in SaneNoReplies?

In order for an email to appear in SaneNoReplies, it must be from a thread that you start. We do this only because if we allowed threads you did not start, it would clutter up that folder.

Think of it this way: if somebody asks you a question and you reply via email, why should that end up in SNR? However, if you started the thread, you will still see your replies to your recipient in SaneNoReplies unless they reply back to you. This goes for every reply that you send in the thread.

Use our SaneReminder Option

You could forward these sent emails directly to a SaneReminder address. Although this won’t add them to SaneNoReplies, you will get a reminder in your Inbox at the appointed time if you don’t get a reply.

Other reasons why an email wouldn’t appear in SaneNoReplies

  1. You didn’t start the thread.
  2. You included a SaneReminder address in the To, CC or BCC field.
  3. You included NRN, FYI, or NNTR somewhere in the subject line.
  4. The item was replied to already.
  5. It was sent more than a month ago.
  6. It was sent today and your older \ than setting is set to wait at least one day.
  7. It was older than your 1,000th most recent sent email.
  8. The email address in the TO: line appears as an alias of yours. Check your aliases here to make sure that SaneBox has only your email addresses marked as yours.

Why is an email that I received a reply on still in this folder?

  1. The reply was just received. It may take up to 1 hour for an email to be removed after we notice the reply.
  2. You had multiple emails on the To: line and didn’t get a reply from all of them.
  3. The reply header did not match the sent email in some crucial way.

Extra Note about the Sender Name

Due to the way most email clients work, the name you’ll see next to the subject is the name of the sender (which is you), so you may need to click into some of these emails to find who it was sent to.

What if there are no emails in my SNR folder:

The first time you enable SaneNoReplies it will be empty. We can’t populate that folder with information we do not have. And, it only works going forward into the future.

Reasons a Sent email still shows in SaneNoReplies, even after receiving a reply:

  1. Your correspondent was using a broken mailer like “Infraware POLARIS Mobile Mailer v2.5”
  2. The email will only be removed from SaneNoReplies, when -all- TO addresses reply back.
  3. The only replies that count for removing from SaneNoReplies: the ones that come from the TO addresses. Emails in your CC field do not count.

Why are these emails set to Unread?

The emails in your Sent folder are normally displayed as “read”. When copying the email to your SaneNoReplies folder, we set them to “unread” so you know which you have reviewed.

Extra info: read / unread state - For Gmail or G Suite

Because there is really only one email, that means that the “copy” in your Sent folder will also be displayed as “unread”. When we see a reply to that sent email, we automatically remove the SaneNoReplies label from it and set the Sent email state back to “read”.

Manually moving emails to SaneNoReplies - please don’t

If you manually move an email into SaneNoReplies, it will be moved to your Trash folder automatically for non-Gmail people. (The SaneNoReplies label will be removed for Gmail folks.) This is not a folder you move or train items to. So please don’t move items to there.

Can SaneBox remind my recipient to get back to me?

Yes! Simply combine our SaneNoReplies feature with our SaneReminders feature by adding a SaneReminder address that includes “resend”, such as, when you send your email and SaneBox will nudge your recipient if you don’t receive a reply. Learn more about SaneReminders.